Abel Doñate Muñoz

Chords and lyrics webapp


I have always been pretty unhappy with the options that the internet offers me on chords and lyrics applications. For those who are not much in the music world, a "chords and lyrics" application is a database of a bunch of songs that contains the lyrics as well as the chords for playing it on an instrument (classically guitar/ukulele, but can be extended to any instrument). Don't get me wrong, there are great options on the internet, and I still use some of them. However, I haven't found a web/app that meets the following requirements (at least in a free version):

  • I have all the songs I want (and in the case they aren't, they can be added)
  • Transportation is allowed
  • No registration needed
  • Free of ads

For these reasons I decided to code my own webapp that does this. This post is the result of this little adventure.

User's view

Creation of songs

All the songs are stored in the folder songs-md. If you want to add/remove/change one song, a format should be followed, that consists on:

  • A header containing
    • Name: <the name of the song>
    • Artist: <the artist of the song>
    • Tune: <an integer with the relative tune of the chords>
  • A line with "+++" that acts as a separator between the header and the content
  • The lyrics with the chords above. Chords must be between <> keys.

An example of a correct format is shown below.

Name: Stick Season
Artist: Noah Kahan
Tune: 0

As you promised me that I was more than all the miles combined
You must have had yourself a change of heart like halfway through the drive
'Cause your voice trailed off exactly as you passed my exit sign
Kept on driving straight and left our future to the right

Once you have some songs in the folder, it's time to navigate through the webapp.

If you are running this in localhost, the app should be running at Here a list with of songs and artists is shown. Clicking on an artist, the list with all the songs of that artist appears. Clicking on a song, the lyrics and chords of the song appear.

Inside every song page, three key pieces of information are displayed: the name, the artist and the tune of the song. Additionally, there is a little tab at the right part to display the rest of the information on the header. Above this tab two buttons are placed (-1 and +1). These are responsible for transporting the chords of the song. Finally, the third button is for returning to the original list of songs.

Programmer's view

The webapp uses flask for the web building and bulma for the style management. All is managed via a python environment and a Makefile.


We start with the html documents in the folder src/templates/. These are html templates for each page.

  • index.html handles the list of songs
  • artist.html handles the list of artists
  • song.html displays each song
  • about.html displays the info of the page

There are two other python scripts on src/

main.py handles the routing of the pages, and all the things that are specific to flask. We distinguish four different routes:

  • /chords the initial page, where the list of songs is displayed. It uses the template index.html
  • /chords/<artist> the page of artist, where the list of songs of a given artist <artist> is shown.
  • /chords/<song>/<newtune> the page each song. It displays the song <song> in the tune <tune>
  • /chords/about to display the about.html page

parser.py contains all the required functions. For instance, a class Song is created, that contains all the information of a song. Some functions are, for example

  • get_songs_list() gets the list of all the songs in the songs-md folder
  • transport_chord() transports a given chord
  • md_to_html() parses the md file into an html text with some custom features (mainly it replaces <> by <strong></strong>)


There is also a configuration file config.yaml that stores the possible configurations of the application. Some of the variables are

  • MD_PATH the path of the songs files
  • CHORD_OPEN/CLOSE these four variables control the format of the keys. By default <> are used for the chords in the .md files, and this results in <strong><\strong> in the resulting html
  • SEPARATOR the format of the separator of the header and the content in the .md files
  • KEYS a list with the keys of a 12 edo scale


For taking a look just visit chords. I have stored here my songs. For making your own songs, follow the installation guide on the repo abeldonate/chords to run the app in localhost.